Early Detection is Key!
Children can’t express that things are blurry, but they show us they are struggling by their actions. Here are some symptoms to watch for:
Frequent rubbing or blinking of the eyes
Short attention span or daydreaming
Poor reading skills
Avoiding close-up work
Difficulty remembering, identifying and reproducing basic geometric forms
A drop in scholastic or sports performance
Covering one eye
Tilting the head when reading
Squinting one or both eyes
Placing head close to book or desk when reading or writing
Frequent Headaches
Poor hand-eye coordination
What is it?
See to Learn is a free Kansas program for all 3 year old children. This program was developed in 1993 to make sure a child’s early education is unaffected by vision problems. Our office is blessed to offer See to Learn to all 3 year olds!